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            <a href="" style="color: white; font-weight: bold;">코로나19 대응 방안에 대한 최신 정보를 확인하세요
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61.0867 14.7342 60.895 14.7342C60 14.7342 59.3287 14.9904 58.8812 15.535C58.4018 16.0795 58.178 16.8483 58.178 17.8413V23.7672H54.9817V11.6911H57.9223L58.0182 13.517C58.3379 12.8763 58.7214 12.3958 59.2648 12.0435C59.7762 11.6911 60.3835 11.531 61.0867 11.531C61.3105 11.531 61.5342 11.563 61.726 11.595C61.8219 11.6271 61.8858 11.6271 61.9498 11.6591V14.8623ZM63.2283 23.7672V6.72617H66.4247V13.2287C66.8722 12.6521 67.3836 12.2036 68.0229 11.8513C68.6622 11.531 69.3654 11.3388 70.1645 11.3388C70.9635 11.3388 71.6987 11.4989 72.3699 11.8193C73.0412 12.1396 73.6165 12.588 74.128 13.1646C74.6394 13.7412 75.0229 14.4139 75.3106 15.1506C75.5983 15.9194 75.7261 16.7522 75.7261 17.6491C75.7261 18.546 75.5663 19.4109 75.2787 20.1796C74.991 20.9484 74.5755 21.6211 74.064 22.2297C73.5526 22.8063 72.9453 23.2867 72.2421 23.6071C71.5389 23.9274 70.8037 24.0875 69.9727 24.0875C69.1736 24.0875 68.4704 23.9274 67.8311 23.575C67.1918 23.2547 66.6804 22.7742 66.2649 22.1656L66.169 23.7352L63.2283 23.7672ZM69.3973 21.2367C69.9727 21.2367 70.4841 21.0765 70.9635 20.7882C71.411 20.4679 71.7626 20.0515 72.0503 19.539C72.306 19.0265 72.4339 18.4179 72.4339 17.7452C72.4339 17.0725 72.306 16.4639 72.0503 15.9514C71.7626 15.4389 71.411 15.0225 70.9635 14.7022C70.5161 14.3818 69.9727 14.2537 69.3973 14.2537C68.822 14.2537 68.3106 14.4139 67.8311 14.7022C67.3836 15.0225 67.032 15.4389 66.7443 15.9514C66.4886 16.4639 66.3608 17.0725 66.3608 17.7452C66.3608 18.4179 66.4886 19.0265 66.7443 19.539C67 20.0515 67.3836 20.4679 67.8311 20.7882C68.3106 21.0765 68.822 21.2367 69.3973 21.2367ZM76.9408 23.7672V11.6911H79.8814L79.9773 13.2607C80.3289 12.6841 80.8084 12.2357 81.4157 11.8833C82.023 11.531 82.7262 11.3708 83.5253 11.3708C84.4203 11.3708 85.1874 11.595 85.8267 12.0115C86.4979 12.4279 87.0094 13.0365 87.361 13.8053C87.7126 14.574 87.9043 15.5029 87.9043 16.56V23.7992H84.708V16.9764C84.708 16.1436 84.5162 15.4709 84.1326 14.9904C83.7491 14.51 83.2376 14.2537 82.5664 14.2537C82.0869 14.2537 81.6714 14.3498 81.2878 14.574C80.9362 14.7982 80.6486 15.0865 80.4248 15.503C80.2011 15.8873 80.1052 16.3678 80.1052 16.8483V23.7672H76.9408V23.7672ZM89.5025 23.7672V6.72617H92.6989V13.2287C93.1464 12.6521 93.6578 12.2036 94.2971 11.8513C94.9364 11.531 95.6396 11.3388 96.4387 11.3388C97.2378 11.3388 97.9729 11.4989 98.6442 11.8193C99.3154 12.1396 99.8907 12.588 100.402 13.1646C100.914 13.7412 101.297 14.4139 101.585 15.1506C101.873 15.9194 102 16.7522 102 17.6491C102 18.546 101.841 19.4109 101.553 20.1796C101.265 20.9484 100.85 21.6211 100.338 22.2297C99.8268 22.8063 99.2195 23.2867 98.5163 23.6071C97.8131 23.9274 97.0779 24.0875 96.2469 24.0875C95.4478 24.0875 94.7446 23.9274 94.1053 23.575C93.466 23.2547 92.9546 22.7742 92.5391 22.1656L92.4432 23.7352L89.5025 23.7672ZM95.7035 21.2367C96.2788 21.2367 96.7903 21.0765 97.2697 20.7882C97.7172 20.4679 98.0688 20.0515 98.3565 19.539C98.6122 19.0265 98.7401 18.4179 98.7401 17.7452C98.7401 17.0725 98.6122 16.4639 98.3565 15.9514C98.1008 15.4389 97.7172 15.0225 97.2697 14.7022C96.8222 14.3818 96.2788 14.2537 95.7035 14.2537C95.1281 14.2537 94.6167 14.4139 94.1373 14.7022C93.6898 15.0225 93.3382 15.4389 93.0505 15.9514C92.7628 16.4639 92.6669 17.0725 92.6669 17.7452C92.6669 18.4179 92.7948 19.0265 93.0505 19.539C93.3062 20.0515 93.6898 20.4679 94.1373 20.7882C94.6167 21.0765 95.0962 21.2367 95.7035 21.2367Z"
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@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .city {
        -ms-overflow-style: none;
        scrollbar-width: none;

    .city::-webkit-scrollbar {
        display: none;

    .city .card {
        margin-right: 15px;

    .city .card figcaption p {
        font-size: 1.5rem;
        line-height: 2rem;
        padding-bottom: 0.5rem;

/* expression */

.expression {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-rows: auto auto;
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
    grid-gap: 25px;
        "heading heading"
        "div1 div2";

@media screen and (max-width: 576px) {
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        grid-gap: 15px;



.expression .photoDiv {
    height: calc(700px - calc(60px * 2));
    padding: 60px;
    border-radius: 14px;

    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;

.expression .photoDiv:nth-of-type(1) {
    background-image: url("https://a0.muscache.com/im/pictures/ae7fadb9-0b76-49a7-a45a-835a7390144e.jpg?im_w=480");

.expression .photoDiv:nth-of-type(2) {
    background-image: url("https://a0.muscache.com/im/pictures/2e9e0381-68d8-4961-abf2-a4f897b41fa8.jpg?im_w=480");

.expression .photoDiv p {
    color: white;
    font-size: 2.5rem;
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 3rem;

.expression .photoDiv button {
    color: black;
    font-weight: bold;
    border: none;
    background-color: white;
    padding: 15px 23px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    margin-top: 1rem;

.expression .photoDiv button:hover {
    background-color: lightgray;

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